The future has begun – “Know- how“ is essential for the realisation of projects which, at first, appear to require an uncertain amount of time. At the same time, it is necessary to keep an eye on the resources – in other words, to be completely efficient and competent as possible.
Our Experience
Since 1997 the Bishop GmbH has been successful in the procurement of first class personnel for the aircraft sector. More than 200 highly specialized employees work for our company throughout Europe. From the Engineering and Developement of the Airbus GmbH aircraft (A 400M, A 380 …) to the marketing- and management positions in the aircraft industry; we have at our disposal a great pool of qualified and motivated aeronautic personnel.
Special skills, which – if so you wish – are available also for limited time and selective tasks. Naturally, you may also secure the collaboration of our staff indefinetly, by taking them on.
The perfect crew is the key to the success of your company. Only with the right body of co-workers situated in the right positions, do we arrive together at our destination.We are looking forward to meeting you.